Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Releasing the Energy of the Whole People of God - following on

"Bishop Mike started by telling about a conversation he had on a bus recently, where a person explained why she no longer goes to church. He spoke especially about her rejection of the authority of the church.But God loves the world and calls us to reflect that love by the way we act. The energy of the people of God needs to be released to impact the world around, rather than just benefit the church."

"We need to be more connected to the world in which we find themselves. We need to move outside the Christian community and to get involved in the world."

"Yet there are huge pressures to run churches successfully, which leave people with little energy to be outward looking."

- An extract from an article by Roger Allen. For the full story, read it at the we:network site.

You can also still access the MP3s from the Lunchtime Seminar from the BCAN Blog.